Friday, June 26, 2009


Michael Jackson Died yesterday on 6/25/09
My respects go out to his family. We all have our thoughts
about this man; however, he is a legend, a music icon
that will be well missed by many adoring fans and most
of all his family, his children. This man gave us
tantalizing music and beats, unforgettable movement
and unspokable crushes. I honor the Michael especially
of the 80's when I wanted the jacket and my sister
had the glove and though she was his wife. I love the
Wiz and cried when his curl caught fire on the pepsi
commercial; Michael Jackson; will be missed.


  1. I feel you on this. I thought I was going to marry him one day too! I was only 15 but still. I had all of his albums, buttons, posters you know it. Get this...I even had my son on his birthday and named him Michael. not after him, after me but still. what are the chances of that?

    I really wish that the media would leave his children alone. Sure, I don't think they look like they could be his kids either but as far as those kids are concerned, Michael was their dad and people should respect that. Besides, I heard he was a pretty good dad at that.

  2. Thanks for your comment! No matter what people think of Michael Jackson the man stayed humble through it all.Thats a gentle soul. As for as the kids who knows;the good thingis he got a chance to be a father.In the words of his daughter yesterday
    "Since I was born daddy was a good daddy"
    Thats all that matters; he made an loving impression on his daughter's heart and she wanted the world to know that.

    God bless Michael; we all will miss him.

    Thats wild, you had your son on his birthday; not a bad day huh to have another Michael.



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