Friday, June 26, 2009

Plus size and Designers

Okay so we know the latest that most Designers are pulling the card on plus size apparel. I think its ridiculous to pull the rag on this when the majority of the women according to the latest C.D.C. report is 164 pounds and wearing a size 14. So, this clearly shows that there is a growing need for fashion in plus sizes. Ok, everything is being blamed on the economy; I mean really who is advising these people; because this is not good sense to me.

Its too expensive to make plus size clothing because of extra material needed and the consumer is not spending. I have heard all of that and this only pisses of the plus size consumer; especially when we are all put in a box to be bargain shoppers who prefer to buy clothes that make us look like a box and bigger.

This is crazy and makes no logical sense. I understand business and cutting cost; however, why would you cut out serving a whole market of people.

There will be plus size fashion especially if the plus size designers have anything to do with it; it only takes something like this to inspire a few people and then; well, itson.

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