Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are all Plus Size Women Unhealthy???

The answer to this question is no; not all Plus Size Women are Unhealthy. Some live very health conscious liives; by excercising and eating healthy.

Though critics would argue that all Plus Size Women overeat and are inactive this is just not true. Some Plus size women have done alot to loose weight and can not.

Some are active and watch what they eat but are sttill carrying a few extra pounds; I say embrace yourself; because obviously God knows best. I promote healthy living; I also know that we all are wonderfully made and we have to accept ourselves as unique, wonderful and beautiful.

We are all created differrent for a reason. I for one have tried to diet many times and when I do I lose about 30 or 40 pounds and thats my Plateau; I really dont desire to be a size two, not that their is a problem being a size 2. I just love me; I just want to be healthy,and happy. Also, I want to enjoy food.

So, to the question posed; are all plus size women unhealthy/ No, they are not; we are all different on purpose. I do suggest that if you are not eating healthy to do so because even skinny people end up with high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.

So, please eat healthy and dont concentrate on size; concentrate of loving whatever size you are. If you change your eating habits and drop a few pounds be proud ofyour accomplishments and continue to eat healthy.

I myself have committed to eating healthier and continuing to hit the gym and guess what I am still a Full Figured Diva and I am loving me; sure there are some imperfections but if I was a size 8 instead of my voluptrous size 18; I would still have imperfections.

1 comment:

  1. OH BLESS YOU!!!! I totally agree. It is hard being plus size and all the criticism that comes with it. I love me and that is what counts. I do pledge to eat better and strive to live a healthier life. thank you so much for sharing this with us!!



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